Information on:

Combating Latent Inequality Together Fest

Mission Statement:
C.L.I.T. Fest (Combating Latent Inequality Together Fest) in an annual three day   DIY punk/alternative music and workshop festival organized by and celebrating womyn, trans, genderqueer, youth, and people of color of all shapes and sizes in the punk scene. This fest encourages all marginalized folx and their allies to come together to combat latent inequalities in our scene and in the world at large!

What does “combating latent inequality together” mean? In punk and radical spaces, folx often think that racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, queerphobia and other forms of discrimination are absent, because punk is an alternative to mainstream society.

However, these forces are present in our scene and need to be fought against to maintain healthy outlets for all people to express themselves. We aim to collectively build empowering relationships, smash long held silences, showcase our diverse talents and cultures, and fund-raise to support organizations that help our communities thrive!

Despite the name, this is not a body-centered event. We encourage ALL people to join us as allies in raging against oppression.

Combating Latent Inequality Together Fest is not affiliated with AmericanTowns Media