Leaf it to Rusk Beer, Wine and Cheese Fest

Leaf it to Rusk Beer, Wine and Cheese Fest
Sunday, Oct 6, 2024
Memorial Park
Highway 8 and River Ave East

Voting ends for Scarecrows on Parade

almost time for Scarecrows on Parade. All scarecrows, from families, businesses, and organizations, will receive a $10.00 gift card from Toad House and RAAA. The 3 BIGGEST VOTE-GETTERS win 1. 20% and 9 place ribbons provided. by the Ladysmith Care and Reido and Chamber Bucks $25. 1, $15. 20 and $10. 3rd place from the Rusk Area Chamber of Commerc This year you may build your scarecrow at home or have a great time building your scarecrow friend at the Farmer's Market Children's Art Area. The Farmer's Market will have some supplies on 9/18 9/21 9/25, and 9/28, but welcome personalized scarecrow gear from your home. Businesses may choose to put their scarecrows in front of their businesses, however to be induded in the judging, you may wish to find a place at the top of the bridge. Secure firmly to posts or trees. Carefully fill out a card: name your scarecrow and write a little story about han or her. Be sure to put your name and telephone number on the back of the card so you can be notified. Place the cord in plastic to avaid rain damage, af faching it with safety pins. After your scorecrow is secured at the top of the bridge, you may stop in at Toad House to pick up your gift card. We would love it if you can post a picture of your creation and creators to the Toad House Facebook page Scarecrows must be up by Sunday night September 29th in order to be eligible for the participation gift and voting. Vating will begin on Monday, September 30th and run through Leaf it Rusk, Sunday evening October 6th Winners will be notified by phone and ribbons will be placed on the winners by Saturday October 12th. We hope your soarecrow is sturdy enough to brave a few weeks of Wisconsin October weather! Please remove all troses of your friend before Mavember 1st or your scarecrae may tum ints a ghost.