CONTRA DANCE - No partner needed

Saturday, Sep 28, 2024 at 6:30pm
In GYM @ church - park along Airport rd - gym on that side
Members $ 10 - Non-Members $ 15

The structure is mathmatical and the movement is magical.

Does this sound like something you might want to play with.

If you spend your working time in front of a

computer, working out in the fields, in a busy active workplace,

or in a quiet library - you need to have relaxing

& letting go time. Come join our community.

We have a CONTRA dance Saturday night, Sept 28, 2024

@ Faith Presbyterian Church - corner of Airport & Whitesburg.

Parking along Airport Rd side & enter GYM there

Matt Hawkins will be teaching/calling the dances

Ed & Elsie will be playing old time tunes to dance to

Newcomers workshop 6:30 Dance follows workshop

 Bring your Water * Non-Members $ 15   Members $10


soft soled shoes suggested - be ready for a work-out!